Rogue Artist™

The Rogue Artist Project™ is a set of ideals and activities, the primary purpose of which is to encourage everyone to see the world in new and different ways. To shake up your viewpoints and provide a richer perspective on everything you encounter in your life. The ultimate goal is to have people join onto the Rogue Art Movement™, change their lives and change the world.

Rogue Art Principles

  • See the world differently!
  • Kids education arts is a high priority
  • The arts benefits the brain etc.
  • Creativity is key to our future prosperity
  • Fun!
  • Environmental focus

Rogue Art Activities

  • The 7pm Project – On social media we often only see the best moments in people’s lives. Hence: the 7pm project – post a pic/comment of whatever it is you are doing at 7pm each day instead – no matter how mundane/personal/embarrassing. Bring back the human factor into social media. Set a calendar reminder on your phone to remind you each day. And tag your post with the hash tag #7pmproject so others can find it.
  • Blip Day – Force yourself to look at tasks from a new perspective. Take something that you normally do one way and do it the “opposite” way – however you want to interpret that!
  • Practice Creativity – Come up with a new idea or invention and try to figure out how it might work
  • Listen to different music – Choose something that you normally wouldn’t listen to. For example, minor key music helps you to better experience the full spectrum of the human condition (Susan Cain, via Tim Ferris’ podcast)
  • Finger Painting – We’re going to get right in and up to our elbows with this one!  We’re going back to our roots as young people and we’re going to do a little finger painting.  Don’t worry – it’s going to be very easy.  You can either buy non-toxic washable paint at a store, or make your own with things you likely have around the house.  There are some recipes on this page:  And you can paint on whatever surface you have available: printer paper, in a notebook or journal, on your front door, or on a friend 🙂   I’d recommend getting the friend’s permission if you want to go that route.  The process of making your painting is much more important than what it actually looks like.  After you’ve done your painting come back here and read the rest of this post.

    Ok, now that you’re done the painting there are a couple of final things to do.  Look at your painting and try to remember what you were thinking about as you painted.  Were you focused on the task at hand – even perhaps over-analyzing your process or worrying about doing it wrong?  Or was your mind somewhere else – thinking about something unrelated?  Note that there are no right or wrong thoughts to experience during this artistic experiment.  The important thing is to recognize what you experienced and see if you can learn anything from it.  Also, if you’re like many people you can take pleasure in having “gone rogue” if you read this entire paragraph before completing the painting – despite instructions to wait 🙂

There are all sorts of other things you can do! Be creative, and go rogue!

Join the Rogue Artist group on Facebook